Lease-back: The financial solution to obtain liquidity in times of pandemic.

The serious health crisis derived from Covid-19 has been, and continues to be, mainly for companies, a global liquidity crisis that can only be solved through financing. Therefore, today more than ever, companies must be further strategic when considering the range of financial options that exist in the market to achieve an economic reactivation.

What is Lease Back?

Lease-back is a financial operation that is especially useful for the business community in times of pandemic like the one we are going through, since their productive assets (equipment, machinery, vehicles) can generate the financing they need and thus obtain liquidity. Lease-back is a form of financial leasing where the seller of the asset becomes the same customer or lessee, and the latter may continue to use and enjoy it in exchange for the payment of a monthly rent or fee.

The seller of the assets, in this case the company, obtains liquidity and has the opportunity to acquire the property again, through the purchase option previously established in the leasing contract.

Through Lease-back your company or business can generate working capital to acquire inventories, raw materials, new assets and invest in new projects. As has been mentioned, Lease-back allows companies to convert their own assets into immediate liquidity.

The main benefits of Lease-back include:
  • Converting your assets into immediate liquidity
  • Client continues to use and enjoy the good
  • Client does not compromise credit lines
  • Payment of affordable monthly payments
  • Opportunity to recover the property at the end of the contract
  • From the tax point of view, the income is deductible in its entirety from the Income Tax

If you want to impulse your company through Lease-back, pleas visit: