Honduran professionals are invited to apply to the Fulbright Scholarship Program by the US Embassy and Banco Atlántida

A new call for the Fulbright - Banco Atlántida Program provides the opportunity for Honduran professionals to study in the United States. Each scholarship consists of an investment of up to $100,000 per student.

On behalf of the United States Embassy in Tegucigalpa, Brian M. Straight, Counselor for Press, Education and Culture, invited potencial candidates to participate in the process. "Fulbright Banco Atlántida - Scholarships are for Honduran professionals who wish to pursue a master’s degree at an American college in fields related to business, finance, economics and business law, among others. The application and selection process for Fulbright - Banco Atlántida scholarships is administered by the US Embassy and always under the standards of all Fulbright scholarships, it turns out to be an open and merit-based competition," the counselor said.

As an institution committed to socially responsible practices, Banco Atlántida enthusiastically supports this program. The bank´s CEO, Guillermo Bueso, stated that "The partnership that resulted in the Fulbright - Banco Atlántida Scholarship Program is unique in the Americas, we are honored to provide education opportunities that become life-changing experiences." In addition, he thanked the government of the U.S. represented by its Embassy in Tegucigalpa, for granting them the opportinity to join in this initiative.

See the full message here: Aplica al Programa de Becas Fulbright - Banco Atlántida

For more information about the program visit: