Honduras Medical Center and the Duke Heart for Honduras conduct a cardiovascular brigade with the support of Grupo Financiero Atlántida

Patients with cardiovascular diseases will benefit from a brigade of surgeons from the Duke Heart for Honduras program, who along with Honduras Medical Center, will carry out an unprecedented health campaign in Honduras.

Grupo Financiero Atlántida joins this campaign through a collaboration of US$ 142,000, an amount that will enable the surgeries to be completed, as part of its social commitment to the well-being and development of Honduras.

Honduras Medical Center will be hosting its second cardiovascular brigade from June 10th to June 18th, thanks to the Duke Heart for Honduras program with the support of Grupo Financiero Atlántida. This unprecedented medical campaign will bring hope and provide surgeries for a group of patients from different parts of the country who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and were unable to afford such surgeries.

This initiative is made possible through the collaborative efforts of professionals from specialized medical centers in cardiac diseases, led by the Duke University Medical Center, along with Honduras Medical Center, Hospital Escuela, and the Instituto Nacional Cardiopulmonar del Tórax.

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Honduras ranks fifth in the Americas in terms of mortality rates caused by cardiovascular diseases. This situation is intensified by the lack of available doctors to diagnose and treat cardiac conditions. Figures like these highlight the importance of social medical initiatives focused on cardiac surgeries.

Grupo Financiero Atlántida plays a crucial role by providing essential financial support for the success of this campaign. As part of its social commitment and vision to promote community well-being, Grupo Financiero Atlántida will support this social initiative with a collaboration of 3.5 million lempiras. This contribution will help fulfill the scheduled surgeries and provide the necessary logistical support for the campaign.

Carlos Girón, Corporate Vice President of Communications at Grupo Financiero Atlántida, stated, "This medical brigade will mark a milestone in the history of Honduran healthcare by performing highly complex surgeries in just one week. Grupo Financiero Atlántida is proud to support the Duke Heart for Honduras program which will benefit patients who have been waiting for a life-transforming treatment."

Dr. Ricardo Aguilar, Medical Director of Honduras Medical Center, expressed, "We´re honored to host our second Cardiac Surgery Brigade in a joint effort with the support of our friends and allies from the Duke University Health System, as well as the decisive support of Grupo Financiero Atlántida. This year, we coincidentally celebrate this brigade during the commemoration of our 20th anniversary under the motto 'We do everything to get you back home soon,' which is precisely what we aim to achieve for these patients whom we will benefit. The entire team is committed to providing the best care so that they can return home recovered from their condition."

The group of healthcare professionals, who have volunteered to come to Honduras, consist of a staff of surgeons, anesthesiologists and others. Among them, 27 will be specialist doctors from Duke University and 15 will be Honduran doctors. The distinguished participants include Dr. Carmelo Milano, a prominent Cardiovascular Surgeon and Chief of Cardiac Surgery and Heart Transplantation at Duke Health; Brandi Bottiger, Head of the Cardiovascular Anesthesiology Specialty Program at Duke; Heriberto Michel, Cardiovascular Surgeon from Harvard; and Dr. Alejandro Murillo, a Honduran physician, Cardiac Surgery Resident at Duke, and co-founder of the program, among others. The Honduran Red Cross will also provide support during the brigade.

About the Duke Heart for Honduras Program:

Its main purpose is to create a sustainable support program to alleviate the burden of cardiovascular disease on the public healthcare system in Honduras. The program aims to benefit people of limited economic resources from all over the country.

About Honduras Medical Center:

Honduras Medical Center is a healthcare institution whose primary mission is to provide quality care to its patients, focusing on safety, trust, and comfort.

The organization celebrates 20 years of operations and accelerated growth, which is sustained by three fundamental pillars: a strong management structure that ensures stability through its business experience and ongoing support, a medical staff selected based on their high level of training and capacity in their profession, and a dynamic administration with the vision to elevate the hospital to become a top level institution at the national, regional, and international levels.

About Grupo Financiero Atlántida:

Grupo Financiero Atlántida is comprised by leading companies in Honduras that provide comprehensive solutions to their clients in the fields of banking, insurance, pensions and severance payments, leasing, general warehousing, stock brokerage, and credit card processing. More information: